Thursday, December 18, 2008

The good housewife

Today I did scones for the first time. It was a very easy recipe from an old Coles Winter Recipe booklet (That must be like a 6 years old free booklet I got from the supermarket while I was studying - Gee!! I do keep everything)

The ultra easy for dummy cooks below:

Pumpkin Scones

Roast 250g pumpkin pieces in the oven until soft (about 15 mins). Allow to cool, then mash together with 2 cups sifted self raising flour, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 cup caster sugar and 1 tbs butter. Knead the mixture to form a dough, it should be sticky to touch.

Now you can either:

Do like me - bake the scones in muffin tins or

Roll out the dough flat and cut out rounds using the rim of a cup dipped in flour. Place some scones on oven tray.

Bake in oven (180 C) for 15 minutes, they should sound hollow when tapped.

Et Voila! Bon Appetit

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You love baking too! I put some of my savoury muffins pics on my facebook - have a look. It is a great snack when you get the munchies isn't it? And you can always freeze them to store, or to serve when you have friends just popping by. Well done Nad, good housewife indeed! :)